IN SEARCH OF AN EVIDENCE BASED TREATMENT TO REDUCE DURATION OF UNTREATED PSYCHOSIS S. Chaudhry ¹ (Presenter), A. Weiss ¹, R. Roy ¹, S. Long ², W. Atiya ³ FULL RESEARCH POSTER PDF WAYS TO SHOW YOUR SUPPORT Be Informed Stay up-to-date on research, the CALM campaign and the Early Psychosis Intervention Clinic (EPIC) by following us on social and signing up for our email list. JOIN OUR EMAIL LIST FollowFollowFollowFollow Share Resources Our website has an abundance of resources on psychosis and treatment for psychosis. Help spread awareness by sharing within your network. PROVIDERS PRE-PROFESSIONALS FAMILY, FRIENDS & ALLIES SELF-CARE Donate Your monetary support will help improve education of psychosis, spread the message that early treatment improves outcomes and help to enrich our patient’s experience at the EPIC Clinic. GIFT A DONATION